Saturday, September 25, 2010

ISO Test : ISO 200 1/15

ISO 400 ss 1/30

ISO 800 ss 1/60

f 5.3 ss 1/100

f 5.3 ss 1/20 Joel Smash!

f5.3 ss 1/10

Overexposed!!!! f5.3/ss1.0 sec

White Balance Test!! - Joel Direct Sunlight

Joel Cloudy

Joel Shade

Joel Flash

Joel Fluorescent

Joel Incandescent

Saturday, September 18, 2010

One of the last tomatoes left, love the contrast.
This is an iridescent mosaic plate that I have in my room, took this shot in low natural light and amazingly enough was able to keep my hand steady- I love the colors!!
I spend ALOT of time in the car (about two hours a day) and I do a lot of thinking there. I had this brainstorm while I was going to school the other day. I thought it was interesting because it shows where I just came from and where I am, but like life, I can't see what's ahead. (And yes this is as dangerous as it looks, its like a hundred times worse than texting!!)
These are the same lights, however this time I played with movement.


Although they remind me of the holiday season, these are actually lights put up at a recent school dance that I chaperoned. The cool reflective surface that is reminiscent of ice is actually the gloss finish of the paint in the auditorium.